Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How Far I've Come!

When I decided to go for my supervisor certificate and reviewed the courses I needed to take, I wondered why it was so important for me to take two curriculum courses. After taking Principles of Curriculum Development--a fairly comprehensive class--taking another class seemed like it would be overkill. What was left to learn and how relevant would any of it be for me?

Turns out there was a lot to learn and it was very relevant. Not only did I learn how to better assess curriculum and bring about curriculum change, but I did so using techniques and--more importantly--technology I never envisioned employing. Assessing my own resistances to change and being asked to move out of my comfort zone helped me develop a sense of what educators must experience when they are faced with different ways to do what they do.

With each assignment and new approach, I found myself returning to my district with ideas about how to take curriculum and instruction to the next level. For the first time in a long time, I could take what I learned and apply it in a very real way. While my district probably won't implement all that I bring to them and resistance to change remains strong--particularly among veteran teachers--just talking about what I learned has inspired some to take a step.

So looking back, taking the class was more than worth it as it opened up a whole new way of thinking about curriculum and agents of change.


lizette said...

I felt the same way after every class. I not only took it to the next level with my colleagues and students, but I found it useful within my own arena of growth and future implementation.
I am sure that I want to be a VP and I will always have to utilize and implement technology in a variety of ways so I know and I am confident that what I have learned in this class will benefit me in the future. Can you imagine starting a faculty meeting with a " Did You know Video?"

CARL said...

You are so right. Looking at the requirements that MSU has, it does seem like we repeat courses. This class was a welcome change.